 In Windows & Doors

windows that match your homeAlthough there are no hard and fast rules about what kind of windows you should install, matching the style of your home somewhat closely might be something to consider.  To help with your renovation decisions we’ve prepared this article on how to choose windows that match the style of your home.

Housing Style Versus Window Style

Certain housing styles often rely on matching window styles.  For example, colonial homes are most often paired with double hung windows.  Victorian homes often feature bay and bow windows while ranch style homes and mid-century moderns are more likely to be fitted with slider or casement windows.  While these pairings aren’t necessarily set in stone, any experienced window retailer should be able to tell you what types of windows will match your house style best.


The type of window material may or may not play an important role in matching your house.  Modern houses often look equally as good with vinyl, fibreglass or wood windows, so other factors such as price or energy efficiency may come into play.  On the other hand, historical homes might lose some of their character with more modern window materials and therefore wood is often be your best option.  


While you won’t normally find a wide range of colours when you’re shopping for windows (you’ll typically see black, white and gray) because the neutral colours are easily matched with most any house, you can always paint them to meet your needs.  That said, if you do plan on painting you’ll probably want to stick with fibreglass or wood.  Paint doesn’t adhere to vinyl windows as well as other materials so you may find it flaking off in short order.


There are all sorts of decorative elements that can be added to windows ranging from grilles to stained glass elements to differently shaped frames.  Whether or not these will work with your house is a matter of personal preference, but there are some traditional cues that can be used as well.  Victorian homes rarely have grilles, but often feature stained glass.  You’re more likely to find grilles in Tudor, Gerogian or Colonial Revivalist style houses.  And more modern houses are generally bereft of any kind of ornamentation.

Book a consultation with Comfort Doors and Windows to get started.

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