 In Windows & Doors

kitchen windowsWhen it comes to kitchen renovations, it’s only natural to think about new appliances, fresh cabinetry, countertops, an island and possibly a brand new floor.  And although these are all important elements in every kitchen, there’s another aspect that often gets forgotten about – kitchen windows.  When using windows in a kitchen remodel, it’s important to try and make them as multifunctional as possible.  Windows not only allow in natural light and grant a view of the surrounding area, but they also play important roles in ventilation and decoration.  In an effort to give kitchen windows the consideration they deserve, we’ve listed some options to make the most of these often overlooked kitchen components.

The Kitchen Sink

Very often you’ll find a window over the kitchen sink.  And for very good reason.  The window not only allows natural light into an area that gets a lot of use, it offers the user of the sink something to gaze through rather than staring directly into a solid wall.  The type of windows used above the sink are often dependent on what exists on the other side.  A beautiful view deserves a window large enough to complement it properly.  Bay windows can allow in more light while providing a panoramic view.  If you wanted ventilation as well, inward opening casement windows wouldn’t be very appropriate whereas a sliding  or outward opening awning windows might be better suited.


Although everyone can do with more storage and cabinet space in the kitchen, a solid wall of cabinetry can appear oppressive.  Windows are a great way to break up cabinetry into sections and providing some breathing space.  Bridging cabinetry over the top of a window allows for continuity without overwhelming the eye.  Open shelving also works well around windows as it lets sunlight access more areas of the kitchen.

The Range Hood

Range hoods, although necessary in a working kitchen, can be problematic for kitchen designers.  Their size and position can seem unwieldy and cumbersome – especially in smaller kitchens.  But you can use a window or few to actually highlight the range hood and turn it into a focal point rather than something that seems superfluous or ungainly.  By integrating the the range hood with the size and style of the window(s) it’s possible to make the functional fashionable as well.

Book a consultation with Comfort Doors and Windows to get started.

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